Customized Suzuki Intruder in French village
Photo: Copyright © 2014 Eelke Blok


Translations broken on WooThemes Bueno

The past few days, I have been working on switching my girlfriend's new site - Mientje's Baksels - from to a self-hosted blog, using Wordpress 3's new multisite feature (this blog should move there soon too, I just have to sort out the domain transfer). The blog used WooTheme's Bueno theme, which we thought matched very well with the subject of her blog: cakes.

Henrik Sjökvist: The benefits of centralized contrib hosting

I've recently been saying that one big advantage Drupal and WordPress have over Joomla is the centralized hosting of "third party" contributions (plugins/extensions/modules). Yes, Joomla has the extensions directory, but come actually downloading the software, you get directed to the individual developer's island website to do the download (where you might actually need to first register, are likely to needing to do some digging to find the actual download, etc.).

WordPress Quick Flickr Widget with cURL

Of course, you put a site live, and you run into trouble. Turns out the widget I chose for displaying my Flickr photostream uses the file_get_contents() PHP function to fetch the contents of the Flickr feed. Whether this is at all possible is governed by the PHP setting allow_url_fopen, and my hosting provider has it turned off. This is not at all uncommon, because when a script is not coded carefully, it would be possible to load a remote file into a script that was only ever intended to load local files. Scary.