Engine of a Mini Seven racing Mini
Photo: Copyright © 2009 Eelke Blok


Comparison of bookmark services

I have been a Delicious user since 2006. Of course, some time ago, we had a long episode of uncertainty, but that has come and gone. Things have quieted down around Delicious. I'd almost say too quiet, and I'm wondering if we are going to suddenly be greeted to a "Sorry, Delicious is no more" message some time in the not too distant future. Also, I've had some small frustrations lately, which I won't go into here. To make a long story short, there were some reasons for me to go and look for alternatives to delicious.

What happens to your data when your computer floods/catches fire/explodes?

So, what did you answer to that question? If it was, "Meh, that's not going to happen to me", think again. If it is, "I'm making backups", good for you. But how safe are your backups? Some say, one backup is no backup. This is especially true if you're just backing up to an external drive connected to your computer. Yes, it will safe your hide when the hard disk in your computer dies, but what if a bigger disaster happens? Of course, I wish no one to have their hard disks crash on them, let alone worse.

Everything is a remix

I heard about it, but had never watched the videos before (or even knew it was a series of four). Very interesting documentary explaining how "original work" is usually only a combination of existing ideas, "remixed" in a certain way (which doesn't make the invention or creation any less impressive, it's just that attributing something to a single inventor or creator doesn't exactly reflect reality). There are nice references to pop culture and it ends with an explanation why the current US patent system is a monstrosity that does not help its original intent at all.

No more multi-language

So you may see a few weird menu items, blog posts and/or categories. This is because I disabled the WPML (multi-language) plugin. Recently, they went commercial and since then (or thereabouts) I've had trouble updating. Then, my server was hacked. I am not in the least way implying this was due to WPML, but the fact is that it was out of date along with three other plugins. The others I could update. WPML, not so much.