Racing Minis at Zandvoort
Photo: Copyright © 2019 Eelke Blok

White Cooper

What a weekend

Wow, what a weekend. Hold on, because I just noticed this is by and large my longest blog-post to so far (or, I managed to keep my typing under control so far). Sorry, and congratulations to you in advance if you make it to the end.

Cooper back

Whoopi! My Cooper is back, and it is running great once again. Two main problems were found; one valve was much too tight (why? Let's hope there won't be a sequel to this episode) and there was no damper oil in the carb.

Come to think of it, they let it drain at MiniSport when the car was
there for a rolling road tune, but we never saw them fill it back up
(in al honesty, rolling road tuning wasn't this guy's regular job;
something went wrong with the appointment, so they had to find a

IMM and SMOB pictures

Finally! We've already returned from our holiday in the UK some five weeks ago, and only now I got to putting all my pictures online. Check out the pictures of the Shakespeare Mini on Broadway tour, the International Mini Meeting and the week following it in the picture section. Also some pictures of the rolling road tune of the white Cooper and the Brooklands.