Customized Suzuki Intruder in French village
Photo: Copyright © 2014 Eelke Blok

DrupalCamp Ruhr Talk: Drupal 8 Configuration Management

Last weekend, the DrupalCamp Ruhr was held in Essen, Germany. I was fortunate enough to have been selected as a speaker. I've now made the slides available online.

The slides are at Drupal 8 Configuration Management, Workflows for site development. It is an evolution of the talk I did last year at the Dutch DrupalJam.

The presentation uses Reveal.js, which means it has some neat tricks up its sleeve. You can have a look at the speaker notes bij pressing 's' (they're no secret) and zoom out to an overview of slides by pressing 'o' or esc. Should you want a print version, you can pass ?print-pdf as a GET-argument in the URL, provided you use Chrome or Chromium to do this (the presentation itself should work fine in any browser, although I've only really tested it in Safari on the Mac). I recommend tweaking the styling a little in your browser to set text color to black and not printing backgrounds, or it will take a lot of ink.

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