Customized Suzuki Intruder in French village
Photo: Copyright © 2014 Eelke Blok

Beachcomber-based Mini Moke rumoured to go into production

Both Autoblog and MotoringFile are reporting that the Beachcomber Concept that was presented at the Detroit Autoshow this year may get the green light. It makes sense to assume that a production version micht be called "Moke", after the not-so-off-road classic-based funcar. From MotoringFile:

We can indeed confirm this having shared a similar conversation over dinner with the good Dr. [Dr Wolfgang Armbrecht, head of Mini brand management] at the Countryman launch last week. As he told Autoexpress, MINI has been blown away by the reaction to the concept and is studying the potential of a production version.

What I have found surprising is that this concept got a much better reception than the Countryman production car (on which the Beachcomber is based) among Dutch (classic) Mini enthusiasts. I personally very much like the way in which the Mini design team apparently looked at the classic Moke, which can be seen from e.g. the grill design and the recesses in the side.

I think it's a great idea, I just think the name Beachcomber is kind of... weird. Moke would be much better.

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