Engine of a Mini Seven racing Mini
Photo: Copyright © 2009 Eelke Blok

Wordpress 3's Multisite feature is awesome

Just a quick note to say, well, (as you would've guessed from the title) Wordpress 3's multisite feature is awesome (and, to sneak in a link to the new site...). I created a new site yesterday, without writing a single line of code or uploading a single file (uploading media files to the new site when creating content doesn't count :)). All I had to do:

  • Register a domain name
  • Enter the domain name in my vhost config (i.e. you need to have this kind of control over your web server, otherwise you'd have to make do with sub-domains)
  • Create a new site in the Wordpress backend
  • Link the new domain to the site using Wordpress MU domain mapping

That's it. Of course, I took a shortcut by using WP3's default theme, Twentyten, but all in all, pretty cool stuff.

The result? A small site to promote the sale of our appartment: Appartement in Bussum

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